Pierre Bensusan Signature Set
Pierre Bensusan's signature set of Wyres Strings, STRING GAUGES: E .013, B .017, G .022, D .032, A .042, E .056.
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Pierre Bensusan's signature set of Wyres Strings, STRING GAUGES: E .013, B .017, G .022, D .032, A .042, E .056.
Pierre Bensusan's signature set of Wyres Strings, STRING GAUGES: E .013, B .017, G .022, D .032, A .042, E .056.
"Wyres Strings is the answer to all my concerns. They sound wonderful, feel great under the fingers, allow for an extensive use of their sustain to "WORK" the touch, the tone and the history of the note and, the icing on the cake, they last a very long time!
Wyres Strings surpass any other brand on the market today. I feel completely relieved and am honored to collaborate on a Signature set with Nick Walton and his company."
Pierre Bensusan
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